HYDERABAD: The Hyderabad-based Rachana Television Private Limited (Tummala Narendranath Chowdary, Chairman) launched the country’s first TV channel devoted exclusively for women on Thursday.
Vanitha TV in Telugu will have all programmes related only to women including health, counselling and discussions on women empowerment and will be beamed across Andhra Pradesh on a 24x7 basis.
The Rachana TV launched by Tummala Narendra Chowdary, also has a 24-hour news channel in Telugu, NTV. It is launching Vanitha just one year after it started its operations. The new channel, which went on air at 5 pm, will be headed by well known writer Volga Akkineni.
As Chief Editor, Volga believes that the channel will attempt to view the world through a woman’s perspective and will not engage in “gender politics”.
Vanitha TV in Telugu will have all programmes related only to women including health, counselling and discussions on women empowerment and will be beamed across Andhra Pradesh on a 24x7 basis.
The Rachana TV launched by Tummala Narendra Chowdary, also has a 24-hour news channel in Telugu, NTV. It is launching Vanitha just one year after it started its operations. The new channel, which went on air at 5 pm, will be headed by well known writer Volga Akkineni.
As Chief Editor, Volga believes that the channel will attempt to view the world through a woman’s perspective and will not engage in “gender politics”.