Meghana Gaddam lives in St Kilda and is holidaying with family in India. Her parents are from Tanguturu - Prakasam District, Aandhra Pradesh.
She was St Peter’s School - Cambridge head girl this year and excelled through her studies and extracurricular activities including volunteering for two years at the Refugee Orientation Centre Trust in Hamilton and contributing to the Model United Nations.
As part of Meghana’s Head Girl role, her responsibilities included planning the Waipā Youth Awards, chairing the student executive and leading the prefect team.
She intends doing either a Bachelor of Property / Bachelor of Commerce in economics and finance conjoint, or a bachelor of property / bachelor of global studies in international relations and business next year, at Auckland University.
Van de Molen said Meghana’s four-minute video, where she gave her opinion on issues facing youth in the Waikato, was excellent and could have come straight from Parliament’s general debate.
The 10th Youth Parliament includes Youth MPs selected by each MP and a Youth Press Gallery which will report on the activities of Youth MPs and learn from the Press Gallery journalists about the key role they play.