The challenge aimed to uncover new, innovative ways to unleash the power of open data and solve specific challenges in agriculture and nutrition, to enable policy makers, farmers and the open data community to make significant steps forward in the release, management and use of open data.
Sai Krishna Dandamudi was awarded second place for his inputs on ‘Creating an online marketplace for farmers to secure better prices for crops, in coordination with government data’ under the Policy Challenge.
The Open Data Challenge received worldwide involvement from over 100 next generation innovators, such as coders, students, designers, marketers, young entrepreneurs, open data enthusiasts, forward-thinkers, and curious minds, the summit received inputs for its Policy Challenge and Open Data Maker's Challenge.
The Policy challenge required entrants to design a policy or program for their country or organisation that would incentivise government and nongovernmental agencies to better utilize, collect, and/or make more accessible open data that will positively impact agriculture and nutrition.
VARI were recognised for their work at enabling intelligent open data channels using government data - for farmers to interact online with the market, helping them obtain better prices for their crops. They are currently at the summit, exhibiting their project. Speaking of their work, Sai Krishna Dandamudi said “VARI is founded on the premise that providing better market information to farmers will improve farmers’ incomes and deliver better prices to consumers for agricultural produce.
Our goal is to provide channels for direct communication between buyers and sellers using an online platform/mobile platform (SMS & Android App) supported by local field representatives.”