The managing director of Amara Raja Batteries, Galla Jayadev on Sunday said that he would contest from the Guntur Parliamentary constituency, and talks are going on with the Telugu Desam party in this regard. “I will announce my decision after January 30,” he said.
Speaking to reporters on the premises of the newly launched extension unit of their industry near Chittoor, Mr Jayadev said that since childhood he was impressed by his grandfather late Rajagopal Naidu, veteran leader NG Ranga and his mother Galla Arunakumari and this prompted him to show interest in politics
Regarding the bifurcation issue, Mr Jayadev faulted the Congress party. “I don’t feel they (Congress) respected the people and the party leaders. Now they are initiating dialogue.” When asked whether his joining the Telugu Desam Party would bring political division in their family, he said the trend of members of the same family belonging to several parties is universal.
Replying to a question, Galla Jayadev said that he had consulted his relative and film actor Mahesh Babu about his foray into politics. “Mahesh Babu will not support any political party. But he will definitely canvass for me as an individual,” he said.
Interestingly, Mines Minister Galla Arunakumari, who was with her son, said that she would vote against the T-Bill in the Assembly. She rejected rumours of her hobnobbing with the TDP leaders following her presence with them in Guntur on Saturday. When asked whether she would contest as the Congress candidate in the coming elections, she said: “Let us see what happens then.”