Turbo Megha is the latest all-Hyderabad start-up that will soon be taking off from the region — very slowly and carefully though. Vankayalapati Umesh and Southern movie actor Chiranjeevi’s son Ram Charan are directors of Turbo Megha Airways Pvt. Ltd, which is expected to start operations from Hyderabad. Turbo Aviation Pvt. Ltd, an associate company, has two Cessna Citation aircraft and is based out of Hyderabad. It also has provided ground-handling services to domestic airlines such as Air Deccan, Air Sahara, Jet Airways (India) Ltd, Kingfisher Airlines Ltd and Go Airlines Pvt. Ltd, among others. “Yes, Ram Charan and I have been in talks about the airline for some time now,” says Vankayalapati Umesh, Managing Director and Charan’s partner in the business. “We are bringing out the airline in a phased manner and will be sticking to leased aircrafts for the time being — Bombardier Q400s and ATRs. Later, we’ll think about flying our own aircraft,” adds Umesh....